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Coastline Altitude And Bug Fix....

Started by Sythen, November 30, 2008, 06:32:27 PM

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I am using UO Client [Patch 72] with RunUO 2.0 SVN 301 to play my server.
I am using a combination of UOLandscaper, Genesis, CentrED, and a POL version of WorldForge to currently edit my maps (usually what I can't do with 1 I can do with the other)
(Dragon MOD 11 wont work for me for some reason which is why I didn't include it)

What I've found is that all the map compilers that I do use render my map almost perfectly, EXCEPT for the coastal edges of water that surround my land masses.
Basically if I set my land masses to an altitude of  z+0 and I set my water to an altitude of z-5 then all of my water 1 tile away from the coastlines will be at z-5, but all of the water tiles that hug my coastlines will be at z+0 - the same level as the land. Bottom line is that it takes a lot of time to edit these tiles in and around every nook and cranny that was drawn on the [.bmp] file.

So What Is My Suggestion?

Simple! Currently we have a large scale operations option on CentrEd - the downfall is that it only selects rectangular areas and not a specific type of area: ie. land, water, mountain, caves, dungeons, etc.
It would be nice to have a similar feature to photoshop's 'color range' option. This would allow us to select specific tiles to edit in the game without affecting the surrounding land; ie. I could fix all those coast lines and set them all at z-5 simply by selecting the water tiles and setting the entire ocean down to z-5. Likewise I could select all the land and raise it or lower it as I saw fit.

If you wanted to elaborate on this idea, make it so the CentrED can read all of the tiles that are already in the game and make an option where users can import their own custom tiles - how this would work is if a player imports a new ground tile they would have to select it from a [.bmp] or [.jpg] file on their hard disk and then select from a slew of maybe 50-100 (50 being the minimum custom tiles that can be imported and 100 being the user maximum of tiles that can be imported) preset 'unused and available' id numbers or slots like in 'MulPatcher (ie. 0xC45)... then at that point CentrED would read off that number and associated it with the imported tile and the user can edit it like every other tile in the game at that point.

Just a thought 50-100 might be a little hard to do, so make it 25-50 custom tiles.... but I think this would make people happier when it comes to the coastline 'bug' because I know that some people tend to freak out a lot when they see it over and over again - especially on large scale maps.

Thanks For Your Time Hitman  :ugeek:

