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Messages - Sythen

Someone on the RunUO Forums Sparked My Curiosity So I'm Asking. I've Been Able To Edit TerMur Custom Replacements, But Never Been Able To Access The Original TerMur Map.

Likewise someone proved to me that the artwork shows up on CentrED but do the new tiles/artwork mess things up?
Support / Re: Artwork from Verdata.mul
January 14, 2009, 06:34:44 AM
Okay n'uff said, ROFL

Verdata.mul ONLY works with older clients. It is not supported in the Mondains Legacy, Samurai Edition, Gold Edition (basically any edition spanning the last 4 years). Therefore, why even discuss it? It is kind of counterproductive. Its been replaced with the Anim5.mul which now contains a lot of newer animations.  :ugeek:

A word on MulBuilder, I add a lot of artwork to my client files and to be honest I prefer MulPatcher  :P
Copy And Paste Function!

This editor is too good to be true Hitman, here are a few more suggestions to improve it

I noticed that after working endless hours (about 200) that I wasn't happy with the altitude randomness in my map in the bitmap files; so I wanted to go back into photoshop and change all that. The problem was that if I had to do that, I'd lose all the wonderful structures I created on the current map. It would be nice to...

> have the ability to open up multiple screens and copy and paste the structures from one map to another (since both maps would have been identical just at differing elevations it would be easy to do)

> have the ability to export cool structures into a C# script - kind of like Aryas Addon Generator or Neruns Static Exporter, but for CentrEd. This could be a way to really show off creativity since (IMHO)
   you cannot get as creative inside game or with UOArchitect, as you can with CentrED.

Feature Requests / Coastline Altitude And Bug Fix....
November 30, 2008, 06:32:27 PM
I am using UO Client [Patch 72] with RunUO 2.0 SVN 301 to play my server.
I am using a combination of UOLandscaper, Genesis, CentrED, and a POL version of WorldForge to currently edit my maps (usually what I can't do with 1 I can do with the other)
(Dragon MOD 11 wont work for me for some reason which is why I didn't include it)

What I've found is that all the map compilers that I do use render my map almost perfectly, EXCEPT for the coastal edges of water that surround my land masses.
Basically if I set my land masses to an altitude of  z+0 and I set my water to an altitude of z-5 then all of my water 1 tile away from the coastlines will be at z-5, but all of the water tiles that hug my coastlines will be at z+0 - the same level as the land. Bottom line is that it takes a lot of time to edit these tiles in and around every nook and cranny that was drawn on the [.bmp] file.

So What Is My Suggestion?

Simple! Currently we have a large scale operations option on CentrEd - the downfall is that it only selects rectangular areas and not a specific type of area: ie. land, water, mountain, caves, dungeons, etc.
It would be nice to have a similar feature to photoshop's 'color range' option. This would allow us to select specific tiles to edit in the game without affecting the surrounding land; ie. I could fix all those coast lines and set them all at z-5 simply by selecting the water tiles and setting the entire ocean down to z-5. Likewise I could select all the land and raise it or lower it as I saw fit.

If you wanted to elaborate on this idea, make it so the CentrED can read all of the tiles that are already in the game and make an option where users can import their own custom tiles - how this would work is if a player imports a new ground tile they would have to select it from a [.bmp] or [.jpg] file on their hard disk and then select from a slew of maybe 50-100 (50 being the minimum custom tiles that can be imported and 100 being the user maximum of tiles that can be imported) preset 'unused and available' id numbers or slots like in 'MulPatcher (ie. 0xC45)... then at that point CentrED would read off that number and associated it with the imported tile and the user can edit it like every other tile in the game at that point.

Just a thought 50-100 might be a little hard to do, so make it 25-50 custom tiles.... but I think this would make people happier when it comes to the coastline 'bug' because I know that some people tend to freak out a lot when they see it over and over again - especially on large scale maps.

Thanks For Your Time Hitman  :ugeek:
Support / Creating Multiple Floors On Buildings...
February 26, 2008, 07:52:28 AM
I've managed to make a first floor of a castle perfectly, but I cant figure out how to get tiles on the 2nd floor. As of now CentrEd wants to raise the first floor tiles to the height of the 2nd floor and that virtual layer thing, I have no idea how to use. So how can i create multiple floors?
Feature Requests / Re: Target Selection?
December 13, 2007, 12:25:02 AM
Don't be so hard on yourself about time and schedule.

Life is complicated what can I say. You did an EXCELLENT JOB! I wish there was more people like you; meaning to say when you start a project you follow through and finish it. I am very pleased with CenterEd and what I've accomplished with it. Actually I am also pleased with the feedback as far as support. You are the first developer that offers straight answers to my questions and its much appreciated.

Coastline bug in UOL?!? NOOOOOoooo. Okay seriously... I still get that coastline bug even after adding in the new transitions lol thats why CenterEd is going to be my new best friend when it comes to map editing.  :mrgreen:

All I can tell you man, keep up the Awesome work, take your time but be consistent. Don't let anyone rush you.
A quality finished project is definately better than an unfinished project thats half-complete and full of bugs because the developers got burned out due to stress and time constraints.

:D   :D
Support / Re: Editing Facets on CenterEd
December 13, 2007, 12:15:12 AM
hehe keep in mind I am using the most recent client and RunUO SVN 269; Keeping what you said in mind though, you are right if you're talking the older clients. Personally I prefer the newer client because the maps are split apart and now instead of creating only 4 maps you can create 5 totally new maps.

There is a rumor circulating RunUO that you can create 6 maps but I haven't found that to be true as of yet.

To change older clients one would have to take what you said into consideration and edit the numbers on the mul files accordingly (keeping in mind that what you do for your trammel map will also affect your felucca map).

If you update your client to the most recent patch from EA. Everything stays the same as I've typed out above -assuming that CenterEd just modifies the map files (map sizes remain irrelevant as far as using CenterEd goes).
Support / Re: Editing Facets on CenterEd
December 13, 2007, 12:14:07 AM
I'm almost certain that what you said only holds true for older clients. lol.

If you're using client or greater.. on 2d or the KR client you will be able to plug in the information above without a problem.  :D
Support / Editing Facets on CenterEd
December 12, 2007, 09:16:50 PM
Server Maps and The Changing Map Files

Please Note: CenterEd and the CenterEd Server are 2 completely different programs each with their own configuration settings. That being said, go to where you installed your CenterEd Server and open up the config file 'cedserver'. In here is where CenterEd looks to find which map it will open by default. Lets take a look... cedserver:



The map number above (highlighted blue) can be changed depending on the map you want to work on.
The statics number above (highlighted blue) can be changed depending on the map you want to work on.
The staidx number above (highlighted blue) can be changed depending on the map you want to work on.

All of these numbers mentioned above have to correspond! That means that if you're using map1.mul: (the statics number has to be: statics1.mul) and (the staidx number has to be: staidx1.mul)

Here are the values you can use:







Edit Map Parimeters Accordingly Below Using The Quoted List.


Quote1a..Trammel/Felucca (Pre-ML): (Width)= 768  |   (Height)= 512
1b..Trammel/Felucca (Pst-ML): (Width)= 896  |   (Height)= 512
2....Ilshenar.....................: (Width)= 288   |   (Height)= 200
3....Malas........................: (Width)= 320  |   (Height)= 256
4....Tokuno......................: (Wideth= 181 |    (Height)= 181

<your account name here>

Bottom Line: by following this guide you will know what map you are editing so you don't make changes to Trammel thinking its Felucca.
Support / Sythen Does It Again
December 12, 2007, 08:39:20 PM
I am VERY Apologetic Hitman lol

I tend to play around with files a lot and I've got a solution I am posting as a new help topic to assist anyone else who has had the issues I came up with.
and maybe also take some stress off your back. lol.

You put in a lot of hard work to make CenterEd and BELIEVE ME, its VERY Appreciated.

Thank you.
Support / Re: Hi Everyone! RE: How Do I Save the Changes?
December 12, 2007, 08:28:52 PM
My Apologies Hitman.

The program did save my changes, just on the wrong map? Seems all the maps are mixed up. So the question(s) I have is how do i edit the maps seperately?

How do I edit Trammel? only

How do I edit Felucca? only

How do I edit Malas? only

How do I edit Ilshenar? only

How do I edit Tokuno? only

Is it as simple as when i am editing Trammel - remove all the other facets from the UO Directory first. Then possibly centerEd will read the only map in the directory?

I'm really confused.  :?:
Support / Saving Still Isnt Working :(
December 12, 2007, 08:14:01 PM
Am I doing something wrong?

I put up the server, user name, port, and uo directory and password

I load up centerED and i edit the files. Everything seems okay i wait 10min after changes and I disconnect. (I added a bunch of stuff in front of a cave as a test)

anyway i go in game to the cave and nothing is there. Its like the changes werent transferred into the game world from CenterED.

So then i log out of my RunUO server and back into CenterED and the changes are appearing in the CenterED client...

I guess what I am asking is: Why are the changes appearing in CenterED -  But not on my RunUO powered Server?!?

Although a funny thing happened... it seems UOAM picks up the changes as I saw a lot of dark pixels by the cave which i can only assume are statics. So what is going wrong.

The Changes don't seem to be saving if I can't see them when i test run the server.
Feature Requests / Target Selection?
December 12, 2007, 07:52:19 PM
Target Selection:

On my maps, they usually compile with some water tiles at -10z and some at -5z... when i try to get all the files at -5z to -10z I find myself having to 'select a screen' full at a time, scroll down, select another screen full at a time... and so on' (all while pressing the ctrl key). It would be nice to be able to have a select option where I can select a row of tiles simply by selecting 1 tile, scrolling all the way to the other end of the map and targeting the last tile. Then all thousand and some tiles could be corrected all at once saving me many hours worth of corrections. hehe  :mrgreen:

An Undo Command:

Where's my 'Ctrl 'Z' lol  :o  (I think i tend to mess up my map more than the compiler LOL) Good thing I've learned to correct my mistakes manually. CenterEd ROCKS! I love this program. Simply the BEST In Editors!

AutoSave vs. 'ctrl+S':

I love the every 30 second auto-save feature, but what if I'm not timing it? I think the autosave feature should remain in place, but also add a manual save feature so that people can save in between the 30 seconds to avoid losing work done. This would be a bonus for times when the computer restarts unexpectedly; like when your in school and having to type papers (save your work)! Same philosphy applies here.

Are You Creative or Not?

Well some of us are very creative! Others are not too imaginative, and still some are half and half; so whats my point? Why not implement an auto map generate feature (no not a compiler). Yes some of us choose to hand draw out our own maps and compile them with UOL etc, but it would be nice to have a generator that makes random maps in (.bmp) form. Yes you'd still need programs like adobe photoshop and UOL, however for those who may have a bit of a mental block this feature would save a lot of work when drawing the maps. Just a thought.

Got the time? Why Not Go A Step Further?

Lets face it - CenterEd is the most graphicly-user friendly out there for editing (.mul) files. So why not take advantage of that and create an in-server random map generator. The program has all the information it needs (tiles, transitions, etc...). Simply add a feature where at a click of a button, users can generate randomly tiled maps (.mul) files in real time (effortlessly). hehe This feature would be cool because it would give the inexperienced map makers incentive to pursue custom terrain on their own servers and/or help other servers. Also it would enable people like me to have 1 map on our server that would constantly change as part of a storyline or event facet type thing. Just an idea, that is more plausible than probable.  :idea:
Support / Re: Hi Everyone! RE: How Do I Save the Changes?
December 12, 2007, 07:26:27 PM
lol you know, you are absolutely right! I had it set to -5... thanks for the help  :D
Support / Hi Everyone! RE: How Do I Save the Changes?
December 12, 2007, 09:22:29 AM
Hi Everyone,

I LOVE this program, but I am a little confused about some things.

Possible Bug:  when elevating terrain... I found that on my application i need to set it to raise terrain in order to lower it... and lower terrain in order to raise it.

Second How Do I Save the changes into the MUL???

hehe. thank you for helping  :geek: