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Messages - Sirius

Hi Hitman

I'm wondering if there is an interface for adding users or changing passwords with an external program and if yes if there is a description of that interface somewhere (I can't find any on your projectwebsite). That could be useful for adjusting the passwords with other software like bulletin boards or uo-emulators or similar.

ok, thanks. I will try this out via automatic ssh connection and kill command.

Do you have any idea how to perform this on windows automaticaly from remote?
I'm looking for a solution to shut down CentrED via a self programmed webinterface. Is there any way to connect via telnet or something similar to CentrED and shut it down "softly"? I don't want to kill the process via commandline commands (I don't know if this can cause errors in the MUL-files if a user is currently working on them).
Or does anybody know another solution for a scriptbased shutdown?

Thanks in advance,
After testing  CentrED there where two things I missed

1. Sometimes I've drawed "curved lines"  in the map to set raw boundaries for an area I want to work on (only the boundaries I've also planed to show later in the map). The easiest way to do this was to select a tile, then click and hold the left mouse button and then drawning the shape of this area by just moving the mouse over the tiles I want for the border.
In CentrED this works only if I single click every tile I want to use for the areaborder, because if I hold the left mouse button it draws me a rectangle.
My proposal is to only draw an rectangle if you hold Ctrl or Shift while holding the left mousebutton (like it is handled in the most programs for graphic design, for example Gimp). And if you only hold the left mouse button it automaticaly execute the "change tile"-command every few milliseconds, so that you must not click on every single tile to change it.

2. A "ramp"-button that allows you to mark an area and automaticaly set the z-value for each tilerow to the right value so that a ramp is created which allows players to move on. For the properties of this tool, it should be possible to set the max-height difference between each tilerow and/or the height of the first and/or the last line (or it takes autmaticaly the height from the first and the last line of the marked area). Edit: Or it calculates the height of the last line with the amount of lines in the marked area and the seted max-height difference.
Feature Requests / Re: Z Display in Centred
February 08, 2009, 05:21:26 PM
It would be grate if this will be implemented. I'm using this function very excessive, because you have a better overview over the current height and you know what next z-value you can enter so that players can or can't walk through the area.
Is there currently a way to find out the height of a map-tile?
Bugs / Getting into a loop if entered a wrong password
February 08, 2009, 04:47:46 PM
OS: Windows 2000
Centred Version: 0.4.1

After entering a wrong password centred tells me that my password is incorrect, after clicking "OK" it gets into a kind of loop. The only thing I can see is the authenticating-window (see attached JPG). To close this I have to kill it with the process-manager.

Edit: Same Problem if an account is blocked and tried to log in