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Messages - elysianhero

General / Re: Is CentrED still in progress?
January 19, 2009, 03:51:09 PM
Haha, it's ok :)
You'd think that there'd be more of a community for such a great project. Over at RunUO, where I am more active, there's a lot of support for it. But everyone seems to be ignoring me since they aren't sure what's causing it! ><

I also get a lot of errors when using just about every other program from the community... most of them work, but give me "Unhandled exception" errors when I click anything, or, like Pandora 2, crash during install. CentrED doesn't do anything like that (either does Genesis... hmmm), but maybe this is related. Anyway, if I do find a fix for it, I'll be sure to let the community here know. One day, CentrED will take over the world. ;)
Thanks again Nobby! :)

General / Re: Is CentrED still in progress?
January 19, 2009, 01:21:52 PM
It's running on Windows Vista, Duo Core, at 2.3 GHz, and 1 GB of ram. Nothing particularly special, but it should be able to handle such an application. I have also tried installing it on my other machine at 3.4 GHz, and 2 GB of ram. No different. I've heard people talk of using it without error on Vista before (...I think?). I mean, it's pretty much going to be impossible to edit about without CentrED, haha, so I have to get this resolved. Is there any information that I could give you that would be more helpful?


General / Re: Is CentrED still in progress?
January 18, 2009, 07:20:20 PM
Any ideas? :D
General / Re: Is CentrED still in progress?
January 16, 2009, 03:21:44 AM
Thanks for the help!
Hmm... I haven't modified any maps yet, I've been using the ones that come with Ultima Online,  v6.0.1.10. Regardless, I tried downloading the tool. I may not have used it right. I copied it into the Ultima Online directory (where the staidx.mul files are) and ran it. A black command window appeared and disappeared in less then a sec. Perhaps it worked, or perhaps it didn't, but either way, CentrED still goes incredibly slow. :(

I should note that it goes slow on every map, even the tiny Tokuno, and goes slow even if all of the statics are deleted. Thanks for tying to help :)
I hope that we can get this figured out.

General / Re: Is CentrED still in progress?
January 15, 2009, 10:24:24 AM
Ah, I see! Are there any updates beyond 0.4.1?
Also, what about the lag? I experience a several second lag after every action, which makes the mouse jump and makes clicking very hard (as the mouse has to hover steadily on the same tile for a few seconds until the click registers). Searching through the tiles and performing large scale commands, though, are rather speedy in comparison. Is this a known issue?

And, thank you for your help answering my questions. CentrED seems really great so far, the only issue I currently have is the crippling lag.

Thanks again!

General / Is CentrED still in progress?
January 14, 2009, 06:10:20 PM
I have found that I really love CentrED, and have gotten it to work well (other than the client being very laggy, which I heard has already been addressed). I guess my curiosity has gotten the best of me, and I was wondering if it is still under development. My main concern currently is the lag, which is slowly turning me into a more patient person  :D If there's any way to speed it up, let me know. Other than that, I just think it's great, and was curious. :)

While I'm posting (I hate appearing on a forum, and then posting a bunch of separate posts. I feel that that's distasteful, and avoid it whenever I can), I had a question two things, Regions, and Large Scale commands. Are regions implemented yet? I haven't figured out a way to get them to work, if not, I'll look forward to them, but if they are, could someone shed light on what they are for, and how to set them up? Also, some of the Large Scale commands confuse me. I'm not exactly sure what they do. The only one that I've gotten to work is "Delete Statics" which seems very useful. I figured that "Insert Statics" would replace the statics in certain areas (for example, forests), but I found that it did nothing. Could someone please let me know if they are working yet, and what they do. I've tried and tried, but I just can't seem to figure it out!  :lol:

Thanks a lot.
