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Messages - Joana

Development / Re: Better image quality
August 10, 2008, 02:50:30 PM
Hi Hitman, how are you?

Thank you for replying :D

The Centred's pic was taken by "disabled statics(art.mul?)" option at the menu.

Despite the brigtness, I think I'm rendering the texture wrongly. If you look carefully you'll see mine looks rather blurry at dirty terrain and grass.  However, the stoned red walk-way looks fine for me.

As far as I understood you and how CentrED do things, we firstly load the base terrain by looking mapx.mul over. Mapx.mul gives us details about which images (from art.mul or texture.mul) and altitude we should place at terrain level. I'm kinda lost here. Was art.mul not supposed to place only "decorations"? Does it also have entries for textures(terrain level)?

After loading the terrain level, we look at the static files in order to know if a given block has some "decorations"(art.mul). If so, we place them accordingly, otherwise we just leave it as it is.

Particularly, In that block, there are only textures 64x64. Everything is at the same altitude.

Thank you again,
Development / Better image quality
August 10, 2008, 01:49:53 AM

my name's Joana and I'm from Brazil. Nice to meet you.

I've been using CentrED for a week and it's being a wonderful experience since then. The most interesting thing about CentrED is that it's being developed in Pascal and it really runs quite well on linux(I love that). And I was wondering ... why not doing something similar in ruby? so here my story begins:

My question is not about the project itself, it's more like openGL I guess. While playing around with map,  I found that my textures are not being rendered as the same quality as CentrED.

Here's the image:

If you look closely at the grass, you'll notice that mine lacks detail(high quality). How can I fix this? I've tried a bunch of GL procedures but nothing has worked.

Here's my current code

the loading procedure
     GL.TexImage2D(GL::TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, @width, @height, 0, GL::RGBA, GL::UNSIGNED_BYTE, @buffer)

      GL.TexParameterf(GL::TEXTURE_2D, GL::TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL::CLAMP)      

the blitting procedure
     GL.BindTexture(GL::TEXTURE_2D, @texture_id)

        GL.TexCoord(0,0); GL.Vertex( x + 0, -height + y )
        GL.TexCoord(1,0); GL.Vertex( x + width, 0 + y )
        GL.TexCoord(1,1); GL.Vertex( 0 + x, height + y )
        GL.TexCoord(0,1); GL.Vertex( x + -width, 0 + y )

Thank you,