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Topics - wuffel

Support / Deleting Statics
November 12, 2007, 11:25:23 PM

It's only a little, but important, question. When i remove statics with CentrED, my statics0.mul don't shrink. Is it possible, that CentrED doesn't change the size until deleting the statics, or write 0000 in the file-area where the statics were revmoved?

Übersetzung fürs deutsche, wie es gemeint war.. *g*

Kann es sein, dass die staticsX.mul nach dem Löschen von static-items nicht kleiner wird? Ursache vielleicht, dass er die datei nicht zusammenschrumpft, sondern schlichtweg alles nullt in der datei an den stellen, wo statics gewesen wären?
Feature Requests / Tilechanger
October 17, 2007, 01:17:09 AM
We are working on a wintermap (grass --> snow) these days, and it would be a nice to have a function which change one specific MAPtile to an other. so you can say e.g.:
grasstile $3 would change to snowtile $11A and so on. Additional it would be useful, when a area can be declared, where the changes could happen.
(grasstile $3 to snowtile $11A in the area from 1000,1000 to 250,754)

Every 0x3 will afterwards changed to 0x11A

In German.. =)

Austauschen von BESTIMMTEN (Map)Tiles in einem BESTIMMTEN, vorgegebenen Bereich. So kann man relativ leicht auch mal hohes Gras wachsen lassen (gibt entsprechende maptiles für), oder eben alles einmal "auf Eis legen" ;)
Das Austauschen ist deswegen so wichtig, weil unter anderem auch Wege ersetzt werden müssen, und das ist eine verdammt beschissene puzzelarbeit.
Bugs / 100% cpu
August 20, 2007, 04:12:10 PM

CentrED uses as much CPU time as it can get when drawing the main screen. This is likely due to superflous drawing calls and may be alleviated by drawing only on WM_PAINT messages.
Feature Requests / some more features
August 04, 2007, 08:17:21 PM
hi there!

here are a list of features they were useful for the daily mapping ;)

- a shorter way to set the Z-lvl of statics and map (elevate...)
- shortcut-keys to get important functions by keypress
- the possibility to hold more than one random-list, with a save, import and export function, so you can create a random-grass, random-rock.. and so on..
- boundaries can only change by push or pull the little nose ^^ - two fields for the min and max-value can be useful

its still a very nice work.. i'm waiting for 5 years to get such a tool!
Bugs / Scroll and move bugs
August 04, 2007, 07:31:51 PM
Hi there!
We tested your programm a few minutes ago.. and we love it! but there are a few bugs =)

1. scrolling down the terrain/static-list very fast (page down), forced a crash of this client, very fast scrolling with the arrow (many many fast clicks ^^) forced a closing of the client.
2. sometimes the client crashes at some areas, and you arent able to reconnect -> error: Acces violation (the position of the focus(?) has to be changed)

thats all we found at this moment ^^

see you!

Ps. Bist du deutschsprachig? das würde eine fehlerbeschreibung meinerseits detailierter machen :)